Tuesday, September 6, 2011

More than a friend
By: Alma Erana

The day that we’ve been met
It seems you are stranger in my sight
As time goes by we became friends
Together we converse and we understood
Each other, it seems my life is glittering and bright

From time to time, friendship grew over
By sharing time of everyday living
That’s what friends are for
That in need for giving
You are the apple of my eye
In whom others are longing

Until such time we became more than a friend
We became intimate for each other, as we became lovers
You are exclusively only for me
And I’m jealous if someone who bother
That’s what I am for

As time goes by, that we’ve been always together
Sharing love and happy memories
And you are the only one in my life
I give all my love for you alone
And you and I will never be apart, until the end of time.

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