Friday, January 7, 2011

“If We Adopt New Advance Technology Nowadays, We Will Not Get Behind”

The relationship between education and technology is very important to convince teachers and students to use technology as a tool for learning because in doing so, we can do things easier. For example, if the teacher and students are doing their research activities, it is very easy for them to do the job.

            Teaching and learning must not be purely technology driven; it must still be based on the needs and problems of the learners or the students during a specific stage of their development.

            Technology is a tool to facilitate the development of values oriented students and learners. So, by doing this advance technology machines, we can easily cope up the solutions to solve problems.

            So, I agree that educational technology dictates the appropriate pedagogy, not technology to determine the pedagogy used because by adopting new educational technology, it can aid and enhance the proper order of teaching to the teachers so that the students can easily learn and absorb the instruction of the subject well.

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